Hiv causes aids hoax book

A journey to the source of hiv and aids in 1999, based on the conjecture about an opv hiv link. The great hiv aids hoax the multibillion dollar aids hiv fraud is based on two fabrications. People who insist that hiv is the cause of aids are groping in the dark and trusting in medical research. Questions and answers at the end of this document address the specific claims of those who assert that hiv is not the cause of aids. Before exploring the manmade theory of aids, it is important to note a small but highly vocal group who believes the cause of aids is still unknown, that the aids blood test is worthless, and that hiv is a harmless virus that is not sexually transmitted. Long before facebook, the kgb spread fake news about aids. Since 1984, when the hypothesis that hiv causes aids was announced, many scholars have questioned the premise and offered alternative explanations. The campaigners who continue to deny hiv causes aids.

Hiv a human immunodeficiency virus cannot cause aids. This book asserts that aids is not new, that it was deliberately concocted from old diseases by the centers for disease control and drug cartels. Rolling stones clarification notwithstanding, journalist edward hooper wrote a book called the river. Aids denialism promotes the idea that hiv is harmless and cannot cause any disease, most certainly not aids. This book should not be read without consciousness of scientific fact. Lgbtq lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning. Some of its proponents reject the existence of hiv, while others accept that hiv exists but argue that it is a harmless passenger virus and not the cause of aids. Some aids denialists claim that there is no proof that hiv exists at all.

Mullis nobel laureate in chemistry, 1993 and other distinguished scientists have claimed the hivcausesaids hypothesis is false, unproductive, and unethical. All the money donated or collected or allocated for hiv aids research goes to the people who actively propagate this lie. The polio vaccine and hiv link history of vaccines. Duesberg, himself a virologist, stoutly maintains that hiv cannot cause aids because it fails to meet the rules by which a virus is implicated as diseasecausing. Women in zimbabwe largely live in poverty, and as such they sometimes engage in unprotected sex as a means of survival. In 2006 the aids epidemic was a quartercentury old. In truth, the only virus being spread, was one of fear and hysteria. Hiv aids is a big scam of medical science and one of the most profitable business in the world. One of the reasons why gays are much more likely to have hiv aids. Thirty years later, com peting propositions as well as questioning of the mainstream hypothesis persist, often. They have done so since 1984, when the hypothesis was proposed. It wasnt so long ago, hiv, the alleged cause of aids, or autoimmune deficiency syndrome, threatened to become mankinds most lethal scourge since the black plague of the medieval historical period. That it may be the third and fourth stages of syphilis under a new name. Hooper argued that the animal cells used to culture the vaccine virus were kidney cells from chimpanzees local to where the vaccine was used, and that those chimpanzees had been infected with simian.

Atrophy in the lymphoid tissue in people suffering from. Hiv causes aids acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. But then she saw an internet video saying that hiv was a hoax, stopped taking her medicines and felt terrific. The unproven ideas presented could cause serious harm to people who are truly suffering from hiv aids. Hiv particles do not cause aids, our own immune cells do. Hiv cannot enter your body through sexual contact, blood transfusion or by any other. The aids hoax research has disclosed that in only fifty per cent of aids patients can active hiv be detected, and even when it can be detected, only 1 in 10,000 white cells shows signs of it at most, and sometimes only 1 in 100,000 cells. This is the book every aids watcher has been awaiting, in which the most prominent and persistent critic of hiv as the cause of aids presents his case most exhaustively and popularly. Since, as one of the worlds leading virologists, peter duesberg of u. However, scientists have presented compelling evidence showing that hiv aids is nothing more than a pseudoscience hoax and the real. Most people havent heard a coherent presentation of the non hiv view of aids, and are looking to the government to save their sociological butts, rappoport said. Hiv is a lifelong condition, and without treatment, a person with hiv can develop aids, which makes the immune system too weak to fight off disease. If aids patients are characterized by lack of tcells, why doesnt hiv kill or infect many tcells.

Hivaids racket aids inc 1 allopathic rackets diseases human abuse viral fear racket aids is a meaningless concept without hiv. This document summarizes the abundant evidence that hiv causes aids. The book is scheduled for a launch on the 8th of april, 2018 at 11am. Hiv does not cause aids, i described the multifactorial causes of aids in the world and explained the pathogenesis of aids in different risk groups mohammed ali albayati, get all the facts. Hiv slowly damages the immune system the army if it gets into a persons body. Hiv, human immunodeficiency virus is considered as the causative agent of aids, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Hiv does not cause aids toxihealth international, dixon ca 1999, 183 pages isbn 0967353602.

David crowe no hiv virus has ever been proven to exist. Newscast media it has been dubbed the incurable disease caused by an elusive virus called the hiv aids virus. In fact len horowitzs research suggests that aids was created in a lab from cancer virus. A module for cnas and hhas introduction the human immunodeficiency virus hiv is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact or contact with infected blood. Over 2000 and rising, of the worlds scientists are now disputing the hiv hoax, their efforts being continually suppressed by the aids. Aids hoax 10 reasons why hiv is not the cause of aids. Hiv fulfills kochs postulates as the cause of aids. Hivaids denialism is the belief, contradicted by conclusive evidence, that human immunodeficiency virus does not cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Hiv particles do not cause aids, our own immune cells do the virus turns host immune cells into suicide machines, using them to spread the virus and cause the progression from hiv to aids. The great hiv aids hoax us cost quarter of a trillion.

When dealing with epidemics, science does not have all the answers and relying on a new miracle drug is not always the solution. In this article, we explain hiv and aids, their symptoms, causes, and treatments. Aids denialism intersects with aids conspiracy theories, and may impede. These are the views of the author of the book hiv cannot cause aids, as it is unable to enter the human body through sexual contact, blood transfusion or by any other means. Today, nearly every physician treating hivinfected people has seen how suppressing levels of hiv causes the clinical symptoms of disease to disappear. Sometimes people get upset when we bbq their sacred cows. Over 2,000 scientists, medical professionals, authors and academics are on record that the hiv aids theories, routinely reported to the public as if they were facts, are dubious to say the least. Long before facebook, the kgb spread fake news about aids in the 1980s, the soviet union and allies participated in a widespread disinformation campaign. Insofar as they acknowledge aids as a real disease, they attribute it to some. After receiving an aids diagnosis in 1996, at the age of 29, she was treated for 11 years with a cocktail of drugs. Thebody s senior editor discusses the recent explosion of hiv aids focused arts and culture in the u. Aids hoax ten reasons hiv is not the cause of aids dvd. Mullis nobel laureate in chemistry, 1993 and other distinguished scientists.

Microbiologist kary mullis which in 1993 was awarded the nobel prize for his investigation of dna replication for the purpose of hiv detection, explained in the following video out that there is no wetenschappeljk is evidence for the theory that hiv causes the autoimmune disease is aids, or that there is such a thing as aids. That it is not caused by a virus and is not contagious. Aids denialists offer false hope to people living with hivaids by claiming that hiv is harmless and that aids can be cured with natural. Winiarski new york university press, 1997 this volume provides a roadmap for mental health professionals who seek to develop new strategies aimed at increasing the longevity and quality of life for people living with hiv aids, as well as at controlling the future spread of the disease. Biswaroop roy chowdhury exposes the hiv aids scam with undeniable evidences. Hivaids hiv, aids, and the distortion of science rki. The relationship between poverty and hivaids in zimbabwe. The codiscoverer of hiv and nobel prize winner, luc antoine montagnier has clearly established that hiv has never been found in the human body.

It does behave in a way that makes it seem like a cousin to leukemia, but virus are often overlooked as a cause of cancer even though there are virus we know create risk of cancer. Selfproclaimed professional youtube critics have labeled our latest aids sketch as factually questionable. List of books and articles about aids online research. Discover librarianselected research resources on aids from the questia online library, including fulltext online books, academic journals, magazines, newspapers and more. Karri stokely is a poster girl for a different way to look at health. When the immune system is weak, you are susceptible to certain illnesses like. Hiv causes an illness called acquired immune deficiency syndrome aids. These postulates have not been met in the case of aids there is no proof that hiv causes aids, nor in fact, that it causes any diseasethe socalled aids epidemic in africa has over 70% of the patients with hiv negative bloodthe cause of their epidemics can be more plausibly pinpointed as starvation and other compromises to their immune. We must also learn the lessons of history, argues the veteran doctor of the hiv aids epidemic, arthur ammann. This book analyses how a state of poverty which generally entails lack of resources exposes women to the risk of contracting hiv, the virus that causes aids. Duesberg suggests, the result of longterm ingestion and injection of toxic substances and foreign proteins. Hivaids denialism is the belief, contradicted by conclusive evidence, that human immunodeficiency virus hiv does not cause acquired immune deficiency. The best books on hivaids plague five books expert. But, as has so often been detailed here, fear is the.

Weve all been told that hiv causes aids, but if thats true, why do 1020% of aids patients have no hiv at all. Hiv antibody tests are said to be invalid because anyone can test hiv positive, people who do test positive do not develop aids. All the evidences are compiled in the book hiv aids. The hiv aids hypothesis is one hell of a mistake, wrote kary mullis in 1996, p. David crowe, president of rethinking aids, informs the uk haemophilia inquiry, that it wasnt hiv infected blood that killed haemophiliacs in the 1980s and 1990s, but the impurities in the factor viii that haemophiliacs needed to avoid bleeding to death and, most importantly, the widespread prescribing of azt, starting in 1987. Biographical sketch he isolated the first cancer gene through his work on retroviruses in 1970, and mapped the genetic structure of these viruses. In the past 3 decades, we have been living with the hypothesis that, hiv causes aids.

It is much more likely that aids symptoms are, as dr. Hiv prevention and treatment bogart and thorburn 2005. This means that the body starts to lose its ability to defend itself against germs, infections and bacteria such as tb. Mullis nobel laureate in chemistry, 1993 and other distinguished scientists have claimed the hiv causes aids hypothesis is false, unproductive, and unethical.